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Russia Is Determined To Keep Their Forces In Ukraine
Russia has expressed their determination that their troops will remain in Ukraine to protect their own citizens and also for the interest of their own country, at large. In spite of repeated requests from US and the UN that they are violating international terms and conditions by violating law, Russia has taken more or less […]
Arizona State University Draws Record International Students
Arizona State University has broken all previous records of enrollment as they have enrolled 72,250 students this academic year. With this, the new undergraduate enrollment has gone up to 16,000. It is an increase of 4200 students over the enrollment of fall 2009.
RBI Credit Policy Will Increase Home Loan And Car Loan EMI’s
In order to cope up with the rising inflation, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has hiked its policy rate again. This is the tenth time that a hike seen in the RBI credit policy since last November. The repo rate at which the RBI gives credit to all the banks has gone up by […]