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Earthquake Gives A Blow To Japan Economy
Japanese automakers and oil refineries and electronic firms have shut down their operations in Japan, pushing the economy on the brink of crisis. Sony has closed down eight of their factories as the production system has been completely hampered by the massive earthquake that rocked Japan on 11th March.
Samsung Claims To Have Found Child Labour In A China Factory
Samsung Electronics claimed that it has found clear evidences of child labor at a factory in China. The factory is itself a supplier of Samsung and is known as Shinyang Electronics. A probe was made on behalf of the erstwhile Samsung into the supplier after New York based campaign group called China Labor Watch, accused […]
What To Expect During a Typical Home Inspection
A home inspection is a crucial part of the home buying process, where the seller has a chance to find out about any issues with the house before the purchase. If things arise, the buyer and seller can negotiate the sale price or the buyer can back out completely if they choose to do so. […]