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Europe Seems To Have Entered Another Round Of Long Recession
What started as a Greece problem is spreading its wings in the entire Euro zone in the following months. The Euro-zone Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) dropped to 45.9 during the last month from 47.7 in March and it is considered to be their lowest figure since the m The Beekeeping Bible onth of June […]
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2011 may well be considered a lucky year for the simple reason that it has only one Friday that falls on the 13th day of a month. For ages now most of us have been afflicted by what is known as a case of bad luck on Friday the 13th or rather the superstition of […]
Fall In Euro Creating Uncertainty Over Spain And Greece Recovery
The global finance sector is shocked to know that Euro against Dollar recorded a two weeks low. Aside to this a fall was noticed against Yen on the last day of the previous week that is on Friday, 26th of October, 2012. The traders of the share market are citing their concern for Greece for […]