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Some Olympian Athletes Hand Over Social Media Accounts To Sponsors
Olympian athletes are turning over their own social media accounts to sponsors, agreeing to quotas of postings on Twitter and Facebook. Such deals between the two parties will allow sharing of photos and insights of the athletes and let other people send commercial messages in their name.
RIM Introduces 4G Enabled BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930 Smartphones
Research in Motion has recently launched two new smartphones prior to annual BlackBerry World event which was scheduled in Orlando on Monday. The handsets are called BlackBerry Bold 9900 and BlackBerry 9930 and both of them run on the new BlackBerry OS 7 platform.
Exposure To Solvents Used In Workplace Can Result In Memory Loss
Researches have shown that the workplace environment causes a great impact on our physical health, even after retirement. Recent studies have proven that a constant exposure to solvents and other chemical products like benzene can cause a permanent memory loss. This study was conducted on a group of retired employees of a French company, who […]